
Episode 65 - Crisis as Invitation for Change

Episode 65 - Crisis as Invitation for Change

In Steve’s talk today, he discusses the major movements that help us understand change and transformation. They are all based on the timeless image and metaphor of the potter and clay. Form, Reform, Transform, Conform.

These four movements are the story of our lives. In one way or in a mixture of these movements, we are all going to find ourselves on the potter’s wheel.

Episode 64 - Embracing Changing Seasons

Episode 64 - Embracing Changing Seasons

Everything is always changing - it’s a given. You could even say that this year there have been more changes than usual!

Ecc. 3:1-8 is all about change - how we need to understand that change is not on our own timetable; that we're not the ones in control of the clock of the universe. This perspective of time in God's hands is what is needed to help us really embrace Soul Care in Difficult, Changing, and Anxious Times.