SUMMER 2022 Replays: Episode 48 - The Hidden Life

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“Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, just as Christ was.” Colossians 3:4 (MSG)

Isolation - something most of us are experiencing right now. 

Today's podcast is about unwanted isolation - the type God uses to accomplish what only living in obscurity can do and how God uses obscurity to shape and mold us for greater things; things that we are not always aware of.

Joe reads the profoundly personal chapter “Life of Hiddenness” from Steve’s book “The Jesus Life.”  It’s a look at Jesus' life of hiddenness, and how we can take the steps toward that same life.

The last few minutes of the podcast has some ideas to seed your thinking and help spark your creativity about establishing your own ways of learning to live with obscurity as Jesus did. It is our Moment to Breathe this week and more information is listed in the Resources section below.

Blessings to you all as you listen and join us in the conversation.



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