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In a time of stress, crisis and the pandemic, one of the greatest needs that is being uncovered in us is simply this: We need a WAY to get through this? That’s the question we tackle in this important podcast with Chad Hollowell. Chad is the Global Director for United World Mission located in Charlotte. Steve and Chad are forging a friendship and this conversation is the fruit of their questions about how to we find a way to move forward.
This conversation is based on the historic way of life called, a “Rule of Life” developed by St. Benedict 1600 years ago. Benedict developed a “regula” or “rule” to help establish healthy boundaries for people intending to live in community.
This conversation is deep and we offer a FREE PDF of how to develop a rule of life which you’ll want to download and work on as soon as you can - it is in the notes.
We hope and trust that this podcast will be a helpful encouragement as well as much needed resource.
It may be helpful to do an EMERGENCY RULE OF LIFE right now during our world pandemic but what we already know is that you’ll want to return to this time and time again when the “new normal” is defined for you!
About Chad Hollowell
Chad has the dual roles of Director of Field Leadership and the Director of Christian Spiritual Formation at United World Missions. As Director of Field Leadership, he oversees seven UWM Regional Leaders based in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America. As Director of Spiritual Leadership, he provides an organizational strategy for a UWM DNA of spiritual formation. His role is to equip their missionaries to work with nationals in spiritually formative ways, to offer spiritual formation as a core ministry of UWM with other Christian organizations within each of their regions. Chad is married to Serina and they have four kids; Avery, Claire, Bridget, Andrew, and one grandchild.
Developing a Rich Spiritual Regula (Rule of Life) Workbook - DOWNLOAD
Moment to Breathe - Such Silence by Mary Oliver - combined with Creating Space for our Souls in a Critical Time, where we listen to the snowy footsteps of Joe and he shares how he creates space with a walk outside.
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