Episode 28 - Beauty: The Hospitality of God — Potter's Inn

Episode 28 - Beauty: The Hospitality of God

SHOW NOTES God has created us wonderfully whole and knows the language our wholeness speaks: it's the language of beauty. Kaylene Derksen guides us on this journey to Beauty: the true Beauty that only God knows how to speak of.

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God has created us wonderfully whole and knows the language our wholeness speaks: it’s the language of beauty. Kaylene Derksen guides us on this journey to Beauty: the true Beauty that only God speaks of.

 While we are born with this capacity, over the course of time we tend to lose our ability to speak it. If we allow it, God will teach us to speak this language of our soul again.

Ways to open your life to beauty: 

  • Sabbath-keeping is a door opener to understand beauty.

  • Silence and Solitude are some other way-makers for opening us to beauty. Being in the space where you have intentionally stopped noise and are alone but not lonely.

  • Turn to the beauty that comes through music.

  • Going into the outdoors. Go out as often as you can; in doing so you will experience healing beauty.

  • Through the gift of children. These little people are small but carry such large perspective and such a wide-lens that opens us up again - over and over again to imagination, possibility, to hope and a future. Children bring beauty to the soul.

  • Sitting around a table with friends. This is a place of beauty and healing.

I didn’t need to understand the hypostatic unity of the Trinity; I just needed to turn my life over to whoever came up with redwood trees.”

-Anne Lamott


Nature and Beauty Reader: Read through these quotes and journal your thoughts… what stirs in you as you read?  


Abbreviated Transcript of Podcast

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