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Top 10 Episodes - #3! What is a Soul Friendship?

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We are on #3 of our Top Ten List! This originally aired in Season 2, and I really love this conversation between Kaylene Derksen and Tara Owens, the founder of Anam Cara Ministries. This episode introduced me to John O’Donohue, a writer that I have grown to love and cherish. If you haven’t read his book “Anam Cara: A Book Of Celtic Wisdom”, I would highly recommend it! This podcast just might pique your interest in learning more about “Anam Cara.”

We have just two weeks left of the Top 10 Series. Then we will move on to our 6th season! No official start date for Season 6, but you will be the first to know when it is decided.

I will end with a blessing, which happens to be our Moment to Breathe this week. Another gem from John O’Donohue and his book Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom.

May you be blessed with good friends.
May you learn to be a good friend to yourself.
May you be able to journey to that place in your soul where
there is great love, warmth, feeling, and forgiveness.
May this change you.
May it transfigure that which is negative, distant, or cold in you.
May you be brought in to the real passion, kinship, and affinity of belonging.
May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them and may you be there for them;
may they bring you all the blessing, challenges, truth,
and light that you need for your journey.
May you never be isolated.
May you always be in the gentle nest of belonging with your anam ċara.

Grateful for you,



This is WEEK 8 of our summer series The Roaring Summer of ‘21 Series: The Best of the Best! We have gone back thru all 5 of our seasons and come up with 10 episodes that have been our most listened to and will be airing those episodes over the next 10 weeks.

Today is our 3rd most popular podcast, What is a Soul Friendship? Kaylene was joined by Special Guest Tara Owens in the episode.


Today we are talking about friendship. Not just any kind of friendship, but a spiritual, soul friendship. What is a soul friend? (In Gaelic it is known as Anam Cara). And how does it tie in to having a spiritual director? Listen in on this conversation with Kaylene and Tara Owens, founder of Anam Cara Ministry, and learn!

Today’s Guest - Tara Owens

Tara was born in Montreal to British parents who moved to Canada for a better life for their growing family. Canadian by birth and British by blood, she has lived all over the US, and now lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Tara discerned the call to spiritual direction while completing a Master of Theological Studies in Spiritual Formation at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. She was captured by the incredible privilege it is to companion someone as they discern the voice of the Loving Creator in their lives.

Tara founded Anam Cara Ministries in 2007 as a place of where true soul friendship can be found. ‘Anam Cara’ is an ancient Celtic word meaning ‘soul friend,’ one of the essential qualities of a spiritual director.


Where to find a Spiritual Director:

Moment to Breathe - A Friendship Blessing by John O’Donohue - from his book Anam Cara: A Book Of Celtic Wisdom




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