September 24 - 28, 2025
***The Camino de Blue Ridge is filled and a waitlist is now being accepted.***
Please go ahead and apply and your name will be added to the waitlist. We will let you know when there is a cancellation and if there's a way for the number of participants to expand.
“In every walk with nature one
receives far more than he seeks.
Camino de Blue Ridge… a pilgrimage of hiking, poetry, sauntering, and reflection.
Steve and Gwen, along with Peter Ivey, invite you to join the Camino de Blue Ridge!
We are offering our first, of what we hope is many, walking adventures in the beautiful, serene and inviting Blue Ridge Mountains. As the future unfolds, we envision annual Caminos, experiencing the range of the Blue Ridge mountains for 550 miles from northern Georgia to southern Pennsylvania.
We will hike Black Balsam Knob for panoramic and soulful views!
In September 2025 our Camino de Blue Ridge will focus in the Brevard / Asheville, NC area, high in the Pisgah Forest National Park. On this particular Camino, we will walk trails along the Blue Ridge Parkway; sections of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail; and Appalachian Trail.
This is not a holiday in the mountains. It is walking in the Way—an ancient term and metaphor capturing our imaginations; challenging our bodies; and tending to our souls.
What is a Camino?
We go into the wilderness because we are searching for Eden. We are searching for connection, meaning, love and communion with the Creator. This primal garden of beauty, that is soulfully etched into the human soul, allures us to become a pilgrim; to sojourn; to walk a path that becomes the way. Camino means “pilgrimage”—a way of walking to some sort of “holy site”. Our holy site will be the magnificent and majestic Blue Ridge Mountains.
For centuries now we have learned “the way is made by walking.” A Camino is a walk where one walks forward, upward, inward, and onward till the Way becomes more clear. Modeled after some of the famous Caminos around the world, the Camino de Blue Ridge will embrace adventure; companionship; festive shared meals; and times for solitude, reflection, and contemplative prayers.
On this Camino, there is the leaving of one world—our past and present world. Then there is a movement into another world—a world of wilderness, trees, paths, rivers, and skies. It opens up our souls to discover a truth about ourselves, about the Creator, and about others, which inform our next step and a renewed beginning.
We will exchange concrete, plastic keyboards, and technology for the graceful gifts of creation and nature. In this exchange and rhythm, we will hope for renewal—possibly even resurrection.
“ think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least - and it is commonly more than that - sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.”
The Vision and Culture of Camino de Blue Ridge
Envision a daily hike with options of 3, 5, and 8 mile trails with varying degrees of challenge and the “wow” factor. Choices will be offered where your ability and desire can help inform your own way.
Explore beauty as oxygen in the glory of creation and be renewed by wilderness, forests, wildflowers, creatures, streams, and waterfalls.
Establish companionship with like-minded and like-hearted people together. A Camino is best shared and not an ‘alone’ experience. Our Camino is limited to 20 pilgrims.
Experience delicious, festive, home cooked meals including breakfast, bag lunch, and full dinner each evening. (All meals included except one meal where we will enjoy dinner or lunch at the Pisgah Inn on top of the Blue Ridge Parkway, after our morning hike near Brevard, NC.)
Engage your body with your soul in healthy outdoor hiking, fresh air, and natural wonder!
Encounter your heart, care for your soul, and ease your mind for five days on retreat. Poetry will be used each day for reflection, discussion, and personal meditation while hiking. Evening conversations and special invited guests will share their own Camino experiences and insights.